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Wild Blackbird Boutique Summer Earth Charity Event

This Summer, from June 1st through August 31st, 10% of your purchase will be donated to one of three charities, and you get to choose which one!

A Little Back Story 

I had decided this year to make greater efforts at updating my two websites, my professional practice website, and this my Creative Goods site inspired by my original artwork. The thing is, I cannot seem to do that without somehow being creative about it, beyond working out new designs even.

And so, I have found inspiration in the celebrations and observances happening around the world for creating themed mini collections and offerings that also celebrate these events. 

They can be quite light hearted, such as Iris Day, Love A Tree Day, World Sparrow day, or more intensely meaningful such as International Women's Day and my charity summer event aimed at many concerning conditions on our precious planet.

Consequently, many designs are only accessible for a short period as they ebb frrom and flow through the monthly or seasonal collections. So, for this summer event I have made a much larger amount of my designs available for their longest period this year yet.

My Creative Goods line allows me to share my art to more of the people who connect with deep pleasure to it. I gives me pleasure to add to that as I can, even if in small ways. I hope the contribution to one of the selected charities below as part of your purchase, is an uplifting addtion to acquiring your special piece.

If a purchase is not suitable for you during this time, please consider donating directly to any of the three charities listed below. I've included quick links for you!

With much gratitude, appreciation and warmth,

-- Col


How It Works

1. You Choose which one of the three charites (see below) you would like your donation of 10% from each of your single cart checkout purchase (before shipping and taxes) directed towards.

2. Simply enter the name of the charity, or their initials in the message box.

The message box appears after you add an item to your cart, but you can also find it again by clicking or tapping on the Shopping Bag found at the top upper right-hand side of the website.

3. That's it! I'll do the rest. Dontations will be made after 14 days of each purchase to allow for adjustments or returns.

The first intial and last name of each donating person will be posted on my Facebook page

Wild Blackbird Boutique Summer Earth Charity Event 2023


The Selected Charities

1. Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada. Simply type WSC in the message area at checkout.

WSC "Combines scientific research on what it will take to keep wildlife thriving across our vast forests, mountains, rivers and wetlands with advocacy for the kinds of laws and policies that are needed in the face of threats like climate change and an ever-growing appetite for resources."

2. Oceans North. Simply type ON in the message area at checkout.

Canada has three ocean borders: the Pacific Ocean in the west. the Atlantic Ocean in the east. the Arctic Ocean to the north

ON "Supports marine conservation in partnership with Indigenous and coastal communities. Their goal is to promote policies and programs that address the unprecedented environmental changes taking place in our oceans and ensure that they are protected within the framework of Indigenous knowledge, rights and consultation. By donating to ON, your gift will help conserve ocean ecosystems across the Arctic and Atlantic that contribute to local prosperity and well-being."

3. Evironmental Defense Canada. Simply type EDC in the message area at checkout.

EDC is a "leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities."


The Collections and their Celebratory Days

1. Wild Abut Wildlife Collection

Discover NEW Wildlife theme designs for the love of our planet's wildlife, including the new signture Wild Blackbird leggings and loungers.

JULY is Wild About Wildlife Month (US). Established to address the challenges we face as co-inhibitors of this planet surrounded by a fragile ecosystem under constant attack from powerful human and natural forces. This month is dedicated to wildlife preservation around the world.

2. Planet Ocean Collection

Starring NEW Water theme designs for the love of our planet's waters. And Seahorses, naturally.

June 8th is WORLD OCEANS DAY. A day to remind every one of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. They are the lungs of our Planet and a major source of food and medicine, and are critical part of the biosphere. The purpose of the Day is to inform the public of the impact of human actions on the ocean, develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean, and mobilize and unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world's oceans.

3. Great Outdoors Collection

Unearth NEW theme designs for the love of our planet's natural landscapes and elements. 

JUNE is GREAT OUTDOORS MONTH (US) A call to go out and explore all that nature has to offer.

JUNE 4th to June 10th CANADIAN ENVIRONMENT WEEK. To celebrate and safeguard our environment, and reduce plastic waste and pollution to protect the wildlife and places we love. June 7th is Canada's Clean Air Day.

JUNE 5th is WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY, to raise awareness around the world about the dangers faced by our natural environment and a call to action for people to help protect nature.

JULY 28 is WORLD NATURE CONSERVATION DAY. Acknowledges that the foundation for a healthy society is a healthy environment, and to increase awareness about the importance of protecting our natural resources.


Of Note:

June is National Indigenous History Month Canada "a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis."

Aug 9th is International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (UN)

As much as I would like to have a collection to highlight these important observances, I am not Indigenous. And to draw a connection through subject matter alone would be signifcantly disrespectful of me. 

But I really don't want these important dates to go unmentioned. To honour these celebrations I specifcally choose the charity Oceans North for the work they do "within the framework of Indigenous knowledge, rights and consultation."



We ship worldwide with Canada Post, UPS, and various courier services.

Link to our shipping policy.


We have a 15-day return policy. All returns are handled on a case by case basis.

Link to our returns policy.

Contact Us

Interested in A studio visit? Call or email to book a time or ask a question.

Link to contact page.